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Sustainable Finance Awards 2024: The terrific 12 of Asia’s capital markets
Honoring past-quarter century’s market-defining issuers that helped chart region’s rise
The Asset   8 Feb 2024

Twenty-five years is a long time in any career let alone in the ever-changing world of finance and capital markets. People and institutions are constantly on the move. It takes a great deal of stamina, determination and focus to be able to stay the course while adjusting to the twists and turns that can change the trajectory along the way to a defined sustainable future.

From the dark days of the financial crisis that enveloped Asia in the late 1990s, issuers have taken to heart the hard lessons that brought the region to its knees. Repair and restructuring of balance sheets have taken time. But they have also laid the foundation for the rebirth of finance and the capital markets.

Alternative sources of funding ranging from the banking sector to the institutional market have enabled the best-managed companies and institutions to thrive over the years and capture the opportunities of tomorrow.

As part of the 25th anniversary of covering developments in Asia’s capital markets, The Asset’s board of editors is pleased to honour the issuers that defined 25 years of Asia’s financial markets and are still setting new benchmarks today.   

Despite issuers’ differences, three main themes were often present in the way they approached fundraising. One was their consistent tapping of capital markets, often engaging with international investors and eventually bringing more Asian local currency investors into their fundraising plans.

In addition, proficient issuers went out into the market paving the way for other issuers to follow suit whether, for instance, it be opening up sustainable financing channels in the form of green or social bonds or looking at alternative pockets of funding in places like China’s panda or Japan’s samurai bond markets.

Strong reception and appreciation from investors, no matter the currency or tenor, were also a common theme with the leading issuers, who were able to generate significant demand for their trades, often, for example, being oversubscribed resulting in impressive price compression from their initial guidance.

One thing is for sure, these issuers have showcased their mettle in finance and the capital markets that capture the essence of Asia’s rise over the past 25 years and its central role in the coming decades as the growth engine of the world. 

For the complete list of Best Issuers, please click here.

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